Orange One Touch Tool Pen Multi-Pen Fountain Pen  |  RRP$80ºº   

Orange One Touch Tool Pen Multi-Pen Ball Pen  |  RRP$40ºº   

Tool Pen Collection

Monteverde's One Touch Tool Pen is a spirit level, a ruler, a screwdriver, a capacitive stylus and a ballpoint pen. OK, perhaps it isn't quite the most feature packed pen you will ever see, but it must be close, and it might just be one of the coolest. The screwdriver attachment is stowed away safely under the stylus when not in use, and the stylus itself can be attached to either end of the pen so it doesn't get lost when you're busy driving screws. Why, you might ask, do I need a screwdriver in my pen? We can't say for sure - a Q-Branch gimmick perhaps - but it sure does come in handy when it comes to changing the refill.